We have 2 Easter Eggers named Goldie and Blondie, which will lay blue, green, or pinkish eggs and 1 Blue Grey fluffy little girl. I didn't know anything about the 'breed' of the 3rd bird, but she was too cute to pass up. She is a Blue Andalusian. According to Wikipedia, she is a rare bird if she is blue/gray and is a good layer. She is my favorite. Her name is Paige.
I have always wanted to have chickens and think baby chicks are probably some of the cutest little creatures. They have this way of light peeping or chirping when they are happy. It is relaxing and nice to hear. They also talk to each other with their little peeping. It is very sweet.
These little birds have almost doubled in size already. Goldie (striped bird) is flapping her wings and trying to fly out of her brooding box. She wants to perch so I need to get them a little perch for the box.
These little girls lay down in their box and fall asleep. It is very cute when they sleep. The fall asleep in Hilarys hands also. She really feels special when they fall asleep in her lap.
Blondie (yellow bird) gets scared when she is being held, but the others seem to like it enough. When we take Blondie out to hold her, Goldie stands up as tall as she can in the box looking out at us and calling to Blondie. It is definately a scared and worried peep. Then if we talk to her, she will calm down again.
Awww, I love these little ones! You are a Super-Mom everyday :)